Edit Port Properties

You can change several port properties, including description, port speed, MTU, Forward Error Correction (FEC), port breakout, header stripping, Link Fault Signaling (LFS), admin state.

About this task

To edit multiple ports, see Bulk Edit Ports.


(SLX only) If the port you are configuring is part of a port channel, do not change the MTU or the Port Speed values from the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator interface.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, click anywhere in the required device row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the device Overview page.
  3. In the Device Config menu, select Policies and Configuration > Ports.
    The list of ports is displayed.
  4. In the Actions column, select Edit for the port you want to configure.
  5. In the Description field, provide new information.
  6. In the Port Speed field, select a different speed.
    • 10G
    • 25G
    • 40G
    • 50G
    • 100G
    • 400G (only for 9920 devices in packet broker mode)


    Port speed change is not supported for 400G ports.
    • In the packet broker mode, XCO supports the discovery and configuration of 9920 devices with 400G interface line cards.
    • (SLX only) To enable the Breakout option for SLX devices, proceed to the next step. Else, go to step 9.

      Breakout is not supported for 400G ports.

  7. Select Save.
    The updated list of ports is displayed.
  8. In the Actions column, select Edit for the updated port.
  9. In the MTU field, enter the maximum transmission unit for packets that pass through the port.
  10. (MLX and SLX only) In the Headers field, select one or more types of header to strip.
    (SLX only) Dynamic update of VNTAG to BR802 is not supported in a single request from XCO.
  11. In the Breakout field, select one of the following:
    • 4x10G: Configures four 10G breakout interfaces on the port.
    • 4x25G: Configures four 25G breakout interfaces on the port.
    • None


    (SLX prior to 18s.0.1g) Ports with auto speed configured and not connected, cannot have speed reconciled. Without the speed reconciliation, ports are not listed in the port-channel and are not allowed to breakout or un-breakout.
  12. (SLX and 9920 only) In the Forward Error Correction (FEC) field, select one of the following:
    • Auto-negotiation: Selects the appropriate algorithm automatically.
    • FC-FEC: An algorithm that corrects errors in a block of data, with lower latency than RS-FEC.
    • RS-FEC: An algorithm that corrects errors in a block of data, with better error correction than FC-FEC.
    • Disabled: Disables the FEC feature.
    FEC corrects errors in data without the need for retransmission of the data. Port speed determines which FEC configuration is supported.
    • For 100G ports, RS-FEC, Auto-negotiation, and Disabled are supported.
    • For 25G ports, RS-FEC, FC-FEC, Auto-negotiation, and Disabled are supported.
    • For 40G and 10G ports, only Disabled is supported.


    FEC can be updated only when the port is in shutdown state.
  13. (9920 only) To enable communication between two Ethernet devices, select Link Fault Signaling (LFS).
    Link Fault Signaling is a physical layer protocol that enables a port to report fault conditions on inbound and outbound ports.
  14. Select Enable to change the port admin status to Up.
    When you select this field, you initiate the no shutdown command on the device, which changes the admin status to Up. When the field is not selected, the shutdown command runs on the port and the admin status changes to Down.
  15. (MLX only) Select the required Port Type.
    • EGRESS
  16. (MLX and SLX only) Select Loopback to configure the port as a loopback interface.
    A loopback is a virtual interface that a device uses to communicate with itself. A loopback interface cannot be used as an egress interface.
  17. Select Save.